Saturday, March 25, 2017

Saturday's Critters #171

Saturday's Critters #171

Happy Saturday, it's time to share your critters and post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who is linking in with this week's critter party.

I accidentally deleted the first group of links this morning. Sorry, I did not remember all bloggers that have already linked. 

I am sharing some birds and critters from the Circle B Reserve. Here is a pretty shot of the Great Blue Heron.

A juvenile Little Blue Heron

The White Peacock Butterfly.

Gator's face is covered with duck weed.

A Green Heron is one of the common herons at the Circle B, sometimes we saw as many as 4-5 Green Herons during our walk.

A family of raccoons walking down the trail.

My favorite Black-bellied Whistling Ducks.

A turtle line up.

As always thanks for the visits and the nice comments. I also thank everyone who is linking up and sharing their critters.. Happy Saturday, have a great weekend!

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


Mostly.Nature said...

Interesting series of photos as always. I especially like the White Peacock Butterfly. Such unusual colours and patterns (at least compared to what I usually see here)

GreenComotion said...

Hi Eileen-
The croc with the green snout sure gave me a chuckle. Great series for Saturday.
Thanks for hosting.
Have a Happy Weekend.
Peace :)

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
As much as I adore your 'wing' shots, the interlude of raccoon and turtle is positively refreshing! Hope the weekend is looking good for you. YAM xx

AzStu said...

Great series of photos. Loved the Raccoon family shot.

AzStu said...

Loved the raccoon family shot. Great photos eileen!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Hi Eileen, I just love your Heron in front of the tree photo. The turtles are a treat too (actually I love all your photos).

Linda said...

Beautiful series, Eileen! I never tire of your photos. Thank you so much for sharing, and I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Nancy J said...

And my " pic'o'the'day" is the raccoons in a line up, but a gator with green weed, or the first photo, those long legs almost disguised by the tree trunk, a fabulous line up of all your models,

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

My oh my you see some wonderful critters - love the heron - and the reflection - and the butterfly - and the whistling ducks - I've never seen those. Wonderful post. Happy weekend.

Nancy Chan said...

Nice collection of critters. I think the raccoons and turtles line up are rather cute. Have a beautiful day, Eileen!

Sue (this n that) said...

Hello Eileen, I do love your header - it's gorgeous!
Those Herons are great looking birds. So lovely to see the Raccoons too.
So cute to see the turtles in line... an amazing photo. You must chuckle when you see them in person!
Sorry for not linking up but only so many memes one can do. I love your posts and to pop in now and then to see what you've been up to. Cheers now :D)

NatureFootstep said...

Hi Eileen, sorry to say that the first of my links is wrong. It goes to my art blog. the system auto-filled it :( I think there is an option you can ad to the linkup where we can delete our own links?

Love the butterfly, unusual to me, and the Racoon family looks cool. :)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I love the Heron images Eileen adn that is quite a Gater. MAny thanks for hosting and I hopeyou have a wonderful weekend.

Marit said...


Wonderful photos! Very special to see the gator with the green duck weed, and the turtles line up :)
Happy Saturday and Happy Weekend!

Anonymous said...

Such a great collection of pictures, Eileen. I wish you a wonderful weekend.

Daniela said...

Oh, I so love the family of raccoons, they're so, so tender !

Thanking you most sincerely for another gorgeous post of yours,
darling Eileen,
I'm sending blessings on your weekend,
may it be filled with joy and wonder

XOX Dany

Ohmydearests said...

Hi Eileen! This is wonderful! And those raccoons are fantastic!

chica said...

Cada vez mais te superas! Lindas demais e adorei ver o jacaré! Assustadoramente lindo! bjs, chica

Christine said...

Hello Eileen! Your photos are so good I almost feel as if I'm there too and enjoying the wildlife! Fantastic turtle line up and alligator!
The herons and cranes are beautiful!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Nice photos! That messy-faced alligator is a hoot. The Great Blue Heron's plumage is beautifully displayed in your well-composed image.

Villrose said...

Wonderful and moving images! The turtles!

Tom said...

...Eileen. what a great collection, I like the turtle line up the best.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Good series! Love the Herons and the Gator with face pack.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Nice shot with the raccoons. I've been to circle B several times and not seen one. Of course I've had a family of sand hills walk right by me, close enough to reach out and touch them, so I'm not complaining.

Anonymous said...

Love all the critters...especially the raccoon family...something I've
never seen!!...:)JP

Jenn Jilks said...

Spring is coming, soon. So good to see the colourful critters!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Beautiful bird photos, Eileen, and I always the odd furry ring-in.
Thanks for hosting.

magnoliasntea said...

You always manage to get the best photos, Eileen. I especially love the raccoon family and the alligator. That gator looks deceptively goofy covered in the duckweed. Love it.
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gator is hoping you don't SEE him with his duckweed camo.

Lynne said...

Wonderful pictures Eileen . . .
Florida has treated you with quite an assortment . . .
From Herons, to alligators and raccoons . . .
Even a Peacock butterfly . . . thank you!

Linda said...

Love the croc and racoon family. Lovely photos as always.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Eileen!:) Fantastic captures of everything! Really great images of the Green Heron, the Crocodile, and how marvelous to see a family of Racoons just walking by.:) Love the Turtle line up too!!:)
Have a great Weekend!:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you always have the most amazing critter photos. and your gator photos are really wonderful. love this one

Anonymous said...

You sure saw a lot of critters during your stay in Florida. Love the gator and the turtle pics!

Small City Scenes said...

A variety of Critters today. Love the Butterfly

Noushka said...

WOW, fantastic post Eileen!
Lovely creatures, the gator and Green heron are stunning pics!
I also love those raccoons strolling as if it was natural for them with humans around.... or maybe it is??!!! But I never saw them easily when I was in Florida!
Enjoy your weekend :)

Lea said...

Love all your critters, especially the butterfly!

carol l mckenna said...

Gorgeous nature shots as always ~ delightful ~ thanks,

Wishing you a fun weekend ~ ^_^

William Kendall said...

The raccoons are my favourite!

Laura. M said...

A very varied post. They are beautiful. Squeeze the crocodile. I love the butterfly, Eileen.
Here spring brought us snow and cold again
Buen fin de semana.

Liz said...

A fabulous series, Eileen! I do love your herons!

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful images, the Herons are excellent. Happy weekend to you Eileen.

Ranten said...

Hei Eileen! Lovely pictures! And a happy weekend!

Sussi said...

wonderful photos, love them!

A Colorful World said...

I LOVE all these amazing critters! What a cool post. I WISH I could see a raccoon, or coyote or fox or something out here....we see the deer regularly, but not always in our yard. I'm dying to see some variety! :-)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The gator looks like he's trying some new kind of facial treatment (and it isn't really helping ;>).... Still loving your Florida pictures of course. Hope you are having fairly decent weather now that you are home -- to ease the transition. Our resort/park is emptying out pretty quickly.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Wow! Wonderful pictures, Eileen!

Wishing you and yours a lovely weekend!

Jeanne said...

Love those swamp turtles. They look as if they are totally enjoying the spring sunshine

Cat Lover said...

So many wonderful critters. The alligator is scary looking!

RedPat said...

Our raccoons are so furry compared to those guys - I guess to stay warm. Love the herons, Eileen!

Al said...

Such pretty birds, but stay away from that gator!

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Magnificas e belas fotografias minha amiga.
Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; Oh Great series of critters☆☆☆ Of course, Love your varieties of herons♪ The chubby green heron is really cute. The line up turtles brought me sweet morning smile. Wondered if any reason for their looking up poses p:-)

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

Anonymous said...

Great truckload of critters. The raccoons look like the're heading to my street. (They're here every Monday)

Our photos said...

Very nice ! I like the butterfly !

HappyK said...

Another Saturday of great critters. Favorites are the turtles the raccoons.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Loving those Raccoons! Have a super nice Sunday tomorrow!

Rose said...

I so love this whole set of photos, except I am not crazy about gators, but it is a good photo. I so wish I could see the green heron around here. I have seen only one, or maybe it was two, but didn't remember it till I ran across the photo.

rupam sarma said...

Awesome pics.
Keep sharing. Greetings.

Ela said...

Wow !! You made a fantastic post, Eileen!!!!! I love the las photo !!
Happy Sunday !!

The Furry Gnome said...

Great pictures, as always.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Those raccoons are cute to see. And I love the shaggyness of that heron! Sweet hugs, Diane

Phil Slade said...

Smashing pictures today Eileen. The green alligator really made me smile, but not I guess if I was close to those huge jaws. Love the line-ups of raccoons and turtles too.

Thanks for the chance to join in today.

Andrea said...

Wow they are all so lovable especially the racoon. And that crocodile seems so docile and not scary! I juat am sorry am late in posting here.

This N That said...

I remember bringing Duckweed home for the fish I had in my pond..They loved it...Love the raccoons! Pretty Buterfly..I just noticed your Canon Powershot SX40..Mine is a 60..Love it..Good idea to put it on your sidebar..Maybe I'll do that as well...;) Hope you are having a good weekend..Off to find a critter to share..

Anni said...

Sweet as candy Eileen!!!!!!!!!!
Of course all the photos are super, but that one of the raccoons coming down the road just made me giggle with delight! Seriously.

Thanks for linking in with this superb post to share with us at I'd Rather B Birdin'.

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, Another great Saturday’s Critters post! Your pictures are excellent! I love the butterfly and the gator. I have to wonder if the gator gives any thought to the duck weed? Thank you, as always, for sharing. Hope you have a fine weekend and a happy week ahead!

Lee@A Guide to Northeastern Gardening said...

Love all the critters, especially the gator and the turtles. Actually, I adore any type of wildlife and your photos are amazing! Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Love all your photos, Eileen! The raccoons made me smile!

Michelle said...

That gator's face is something! Something I don't want to find! lol

The Yum List said...

That gator looks so menacing. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead Eileen!

Linda said...

Great looking critters! Even the gator looks pleased!

Pietro Brosio said...

All very nice images, Eileen!
The gator has a crafty look :-)

Karen Lakis said...

Wow/ you caught a fantastic collection of critters!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Beautiful birds and what a gorgeous butterfly. I also peeked at your Myna bird, wow that is very cool! Such a very busy past week and week coming up, but wanted to stop by and let you know I appreciate you~

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Hi ...had some time this morning came to visit some of the links but i guess the whole linkup disappeared.....but it is a good reminder to thank you again for all the work you do and the time and money you spend keeping this sharing party going. I think we kind of tend to take all of what our hosts do for granted. And I realize it isn't that simple! Thank you for putting up with all the hassles so we can share!

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Eileen
What a great selection of birds, butterfly, gators, turtles and racoons.
I do like the photograph of the gator covered in duck weed!

I hope you enjoyed your weekend

All the best Jan

Helma said...

Hi Eileen,
Really beautiful pictures in your blog these birds and animals.
I enjoyed it very quotas :-)
Warm regards, Helma

Anonymous said...

Great series of images! I always love seeing the variety of critters you find on your walks.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
your shot of the gator is awesome ! Wonderful photos again.
Best, Synnöve

Pat Tillett said...

All of these photos are fantastic! I LOVE whistling ducks also...

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Leave the roads, take the trails." "Lose yourself in nature and find peac...